Sunday, 20 May 2012


Red .... a colour that I've always shied away from .... now no more!!

oh and this is my beautiful friend Karen ...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

time to change!

I'm continually being inspired by the people around me ..... inspired to start this blog .... inspired to be creative .... inspired to clean (sometimes) .... the list goes on. Recently I've been inspired .... inspired to change.

Change can be exciting, but can also be challenging. And challenging it is going to be for me. Six years ago I found out that I had type 1 diabetes. This is a very manageable disease, though for me it's something that I have always found challenging to control for personal reasons. I have in the past and still sometimes today, have ignored the signs that my body has been telling me that something needs to change. After being hospitalised twice and especially now that I have this precious boy .... I need to start listening.

Controlling diabetes is a daily challenge. Checking blood sugars before every meal, injecting insulin a minimum five times a day, looking at carbohydrates in foods.... and that feels like just the start. Being the mother of a toddler, working and just daily life, I find I don't have time to do all of these things properly. Though when I take time and step back, I don't know if I'm just using that as an excuse .... I know that there is time and I need to make it!

Heather (my beautiful fairy Godmother) has inspired me. She was diagnosed with MS .... the discipline I see in her is inspiring. She has researched MS .... changed her diet (strictly) .... exercises ..... takes health supplements ..... all to better her health and fight MS. She makes no excuses and has taken control of this disease .... a true inspiration!!

I know and I feel in my body that I need to change .... need to be more discipline .... need to be healthy for my family and for me!  

So where to from here? I want to use this blog to keep myself accountable for the changes that I want to make in my life and to inspire others, as I have been to change .... in whatever way that might be! For me ...   healthy eating .... exercise ..... monitoring blood sugar levels ..... daily injections .... just a healthy lifestyle (with a few needles :P )

Thursday, 3 May 2012

how great is he ....

how great is he ..... 

a sleeping boy and his dog ..... a cup of hot tea ..... a beautiful sunset ..... 

he is good to me .....

how great is our God ..... 

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