Thursday 29 March 2012

a lanterns light .....

A lanterns light can illuminate your surroundings ..... provide colour and decoration ..... help celebrate traditions ..... guide you ..... be lit in memory .....

I want to be all of these things for my family and the people in my lives ..... I want to illuminate my surroundings, the people that surround me, with joy and love. However that might be .... through laughter, gifts, hugs, food, life itself ..... 

I want to create colourful moments with my son (and future children) ..... experiences that will help them grow not only physically and emotionally but spiritually also ..... 

I want to add decorations to my life ..... start some creative projects, cook some new creations, learn some new skills .....

I want to celebrate the joy of family and friends ..... coming together to celebrate traditions, with friends old and new .....

I want to guide my family ..... guide my family as a wife, mother and as a women of faith ..... through prayer, love, time and faith .....

Finally, I want to create memories for my family ..... memories that will shape my children, memories that will not fade, memories that will remind me of the precious gifts that I have been given by God ..... A Lanterns Light is a place for those memories to be shared and remembered and a place for me to be reminded of Gods love .....     



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